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Everything you need to know about Creator Portfolios
Everything you need to know about Creator Portfolios

A guide to setting up your Creator Portfolio on TRIBE

Updated over a week ago

You may have seen a number of recent feature releases focused on helping you, our awesome Creators, win more campaigns. Creator Portfolio is another of these, and really is a win-win feature for both brands and Creators. If brands can get a better idea of who you are, and the content you create, your chances of winning campaigns increase.

What is the Creator Portfolio?

Your Creator Portfolio screams “Look at Me”, it’s like having your own personal hype-man to attract the attention of brands who are looking for talented Creators. The Creator Portfolio allows you to not only TELL brands a little bit about yourself but also SHOW them via a collection of your most amazing pics and clips.

Importantly, completing your Creator Portfolio allows you to submit to Content Campaigns, another avenue you can earn on TRIBE. You can read more about Content Campaigns here.

Why can I only access Content Campaigns if my Creator Portfolio is completed?

Unlike Social Campaigns, brands can't click through to your social profile to get an idea of your skills and creative style.

This makes your Creator Portfolio vital for giving brands a sense of what you're made of and increasing your chances of having your Pitch approved - so make sure you're putting your best work forward!

How to set up your TRIBE Creator Portfolio:

Before you can set up your Creator Portfolio, you must first connect your social account/s. You can find out how to do that here. Once you've done that, you'll need to complete your TRIBE profile, follow the steps here.

Finally, to finish setting up your new Creator Portfolio, follow these simple steps:

First, head to the YOU section where you can edit your portfolio.

Creator portfolio YOU section

Next, update your headshot by tapping on the placeholder headshot. Keep it simple, no need to go overboard with creativity here. Note: the minimum size for headshots is 800 x 800 px

Then, write yourself a short bio so that brands can get to know you a little more. It’s only 300 characters long, so keep it brief, but try and include details about:

  • Where you live

  • The types of brands and products you like working with

  • What sets your visual style apart from others

  • Who inspires you

  • Your hobbies

You are selling yourself to a potential employer, make sure you put your best foot forward!

Creator portfolio add bio

It’s now time to showcase your talent and give brand managers an overview of your personal style and creativity. Upload 9 of your best pics and clips to your portfolio. Make sure these are the best of the best, we all know first impressions matter!

Creator portfolio add 9 best pics and vids


  • You must upload 9 pieces of content.

  • There is a 500Mb limit on each image/video

  • Videos must be no longer than 60 seconds.

Once you have uploaded your 9 pieces of content you can tap on each to replace, remove, or reorder. To reorder, drag them up and down in the list and click Done to see how they look in your grid. You can add and remove content as you see fit, but remember you need to have 9 pieces uploaded to complete your portfolio.

Once you are happy with your portfolio, tap back and you are done.

How do brands interact with my Creator Portfolio?

If a brand wants to know a little more about you, they can now click to View Bio and will be presented with your Portfolio page, which looks like this:

As you can see here, all of the content and bio information you added to your Creator Portfolio is at their fingertips. They can quickly and easily get a feel for your personality and your creative style, ready to press that Approve button!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the YOU section to set up your Creator Portfolio.

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